Cheese is a food of which almost all varieties can arouse the appetite of any dog, but can dogs really eat cheese, is it healthy for them?
Lactose and lack of tears To explain where dogs can eat cheese we need to know about lactose and lactose Lactose is a sugar naturally present in mammalian milk as part of its consumption. The amount of lactose depends on each animal. Newborn babies should be fed milk during the first stage of their life. They have the enzyme lactase once they become adults, they no longer need milk so the production of lactase disappears. Dogs are lactose intolerant. The lactose problem appears when the weaning period ends in the human race, many individuals have adapted the ability to digest lactose even in adulthood. Those who do not suffer from lactose intolerance, which is an important distinction between different dogs of milk allergy in general suffer From lactose intolerance or lactase deficiency, the lower level does not affect all cases of lactose intolerance equally, which means that lactose is not digestible because the body is unable to absorb it and the sugar residue in the intestine, which leads to increased intestinal motility, which leads to diarrhea, These dogs must consume dairy products – a free diet we can offer cheese to dogs. They do not need to eat cheese or dairy products but since they are omnivores and may enjoy some dairy products we may offer it as a remedy if they have no intolerance to do so we can start giving them dairy products Which contain less lactose cow’s milk as it contains more lactose than dyes products such as cheese or goat’s milk. It contains less lactose when discussing cheese in general, the more processed the better because it definitely loses lactose in the aging process and can be digested better. Before explaining the different types of cheeses and the best way to introduce them to your dogs.
The types of cheeses and those that we can offer for cream cheese, for example, are well tolerated, but it is important to read the ingredients on the label and look for the simplest and most natural recipes. If dairy solid is added, the lactose content will increase similarly to fresh cheese. Much for us a higher content of content. Creamy cheese and any kiss should not contain more lactose than a dog can absorb in their diet. As for grated cheese, it is important to know the type of cheese regardless of the top in some cases. A package may contain different types of cheese, and it is usually very fatty, so the amount of lactose should be minimal, and what about university cheese or ricotta, there are several types that should have a somewhat low percentage, which is something that can be useful to give The dog is the medicine that we ultimately need to take into account the heat content of the cheese, so we need to give it less than the usual food intake, and this is especially important for weight gain and obesity. Every treatment we provide to dogs must be considered in the context of the overall nutrition of the dog.